Минобрнауки России Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution
«Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics» (IAMM)


Address: Russia DPR 283048, Donetsk, Voroshilovskiy district, Rosa Luxemburg Street, 74

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Rigid Body Mechanics (Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela)
Випуск №41 (2011)
  1. A.M. Kovalev, V.N. Nespirnyy, A.S. Suykov
    Existence of a function with non-positive derivative along trajectories of a non-autonomous system of differential equations
  2. I.N. Gashenenko, D.N. Tkachenko
    Power expansions of solutions of the equations of motion of a gyrostat
  3. M.P. Kharlamov, P.E. Ryabov, A.Y. Savushkin, G.E. Smirnov
    Types of critical points of the Kowalevski gyrostat in double field
  4. О.S. Volkova
    On gyrostat motions characterized by linear in angular velocity invariant relations
  5. A.V. Maznev
    On two linear invariant relations of gyrostat motion equations with a variable gyrostatic momentum under the action of potential and gyroscopic forces
  6. S.V. Skrypnyk, E.K. Schetinina
    On the three invariant relations of motion's equations of the symmetric gyrostat in a magnetic field
  7. E.V. Ocheretnyuk, V.I. Slyn'ko
    Parametric resonance in problems of a dynamically symmetric rigid body suspended on a length string
  8. Yu.B. Konosevich
    Limit deviation of the rotor axis of a balanced gimbal mounted synchronous gyroscope
  9. N.A. Velmagina, V.G. Verbitskii
    Analysis of self-oscillations of wheeled module in rectilinear motion
  10. N.V. Perepelkin, Yu.V. Mikhlin
    Analysis of forced vibration modes of a one-disk rotor on a nonlinear flexible base
  11. A.A. Ilyukhin, S.A. Schreter
    Mathematical modeling of the behavior of a plate in a wind tunnel
  12. V.E. Puzyrev, N.V. Topchiy
    The estimation of eigenvalues for linear mechanical 2-DOF system
  13. A.S. Suykov
    Estimating the region of attraction of dynamical systems using numerical simulation data
  14. S.R. Hambardzumyan
    On the stability of a system of non-linear differential equations in the critical case at q pairs of imaginary roots
  15. N.V. Kiselyova
    Necessary conditions for stability of uniform rotation of asymmetric rigid body with liquid
  16. I.A. Bolgrabskaya, N.N. Shchepin
    Asymmetry in the closed elastic-systems
  17. A.A. Ilyukhin, A.K. Popov
    The stretching-compression problem for a naturally twisted rod in the framework of the moment theory of elasticity
  18. A.L. Zuyev, Yu.V. Novikova
    Small oscillations of a Kirchhoff plate with two-dimensional control
  19. L.D. Akulenko, D.D. Leshchenko, A.L. Rachinskaya
    Optimal deceleration of rotation of asymmetric quasi-solid body in a resistant medium
  20. V.R. Barseghyan, S.G. Shahinyan, T.V. Barseghyan
    The problem of optimal stabilization of linear dynamical systems on the priority optimal control
  21. V.F. Shcherbak
    Reduced observer for mechanical systems
  22. V.N. Nespirnyy, V.A. Korolyov
    Stationary modes of spherical pendulum with movable suspension point
  23. H.M. Yehia
    New 2D integrable families with a quartic second invariant
  24. D.A. Chebanov
    A new class of nonstationary motions of a system of heavy Lagrange tops with a non-planar configuration of the system's skeleton