Минобрнауки России Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution
«Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics» (IAMM)


Address: Russia DPR 283048, Donetsk, Voroshilovskiy district, Rosa Luxemburg Street, 74

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Rigid Body Mechanics (Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela)
Випуск №36 (2006)
  1. I.N. Gashenenko
    Isoenergy surfaces in the problem of the motion of a body with a fixed point
  2. M.P. Kharlamov
    Domains of existence of critical motions of the generalized Kovalevskaya top, and bifurcation diagrams
  3. M.P. Kharlamov
    Singular periodic solutions in the generalized Delone case
  4. E.K. Shchetinina
    On a class of isoconic motions of a gyrostat in the case of three linear invariant relations of the Kirchhoff equations
  5. M.E. Lesina, Ya.V. Zinov'eva
    A new exact solution of the problem of the motion of two Lagrange gyroscopes joined by an elastic spherical hinge
  6. M.E. Lesina, N.F. Gogoleva
    A new solution of the problem of the motion of two Lagrange gyroscopes joined by a nonholonomic hinge
  7. L.D. Akulenko, D.D. Leshchenko, A.L. Rachinskaya
    Evolution of the fast rotation of a dynamically symmetric satellite under the action of the gravitational moment in a resisting medium
  8. B.I. Konosevich, Yu.B. Konosevich
    Asymptotic behavior of the perturbed steady motions of a synchronous gyroscope in a Cardan suspension
  9. Yu.N. Kononov
    On the stability of the motion of N connected rigid bodies with cavities containing fluid
  10. A.S. Andreev, I.A. Pertseva
    On the stabilization of the rotational and translational-rotational motion of a spacecraft
  11. V.F. Shcherbak
    Identification of the perturbations acting on a gyroscope
  12. I.A. Bolgrabskaya, A.Ya. Savchenko, N.N. Shchepin
    Closed systems of connected rigid bodies
  13. A.Ya. Savchenko, A.E. Pozdnyakovich, V.E. Puzyrev
    On the stability of equilibrium of a pendulum mechanical system with three degrees of freedom
  14. A.L. Zuev
    Asymptotic properties of the eigenvalues in the problem of the oscillation of a flexible manipulator
  15. S.N. Sudakov
    On the rotation of an elastic ellipsoid with Young modulus specified by a quadratic function of the coordinates
  16. I.A. Moiseenko, R.R.Troyan
    Normal waves in a transversely isotropic cylindrical waveguide with a cross section in the form of an annular sector
  17. V.V. Puzyrev
    Spectra and properties of normal electroelastic waves in reinforced piezoceramic cylinders of annular cross section with a sector cut