
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in cooperation with Donetsk Science Center under NAS and MES of Ukraine, Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS is going to organize International Conference „Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations“ (NPDE – 2013) in Donetsk in the period September 9–14, 2013.
This conference continues a series of traditional scientific meetings on PDE which have regularly been carried out by Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics since 1979.
The conference will be held on the premises of Donetsk Science Center (address: Rosa Luxemburg Str. 54, Donetsk, Ukraine).
September 9, 2013 is the arrival day. The opening of the conference will be held at 9.00, September 10.
The Scientific Program of the conference will include plenary lectures, section communications and poster presentations.
Closing of the conference will be held at 18.00, September 13. The departure day is September 14, 2013.
• Qualitative properties of solutions of nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations;
• Blow-up and singularities for quasilinear elliptic and parabolic equations;
• Homogenization of nonlinear partial differential equations;
• Free boundary problems;
• Long time dynamics of nonlinear evolution PDE;
• Optimal control and optimization in PDE.
Yu.A. Alkhutov, S.N. Antontsev, C. Bandle, V. Barbu, H. Berestycki, M.-F. Bidaut-Véron, L. Boccardo, A. Boutet de Monvel, G. Buttazzo, R.M. Cherniha, M. Chipot, I.D. Chueshov, A.V. Faminskii, M. Fila, J. Garcia-Melian, A.L. Gladkov, N.M. Ivochkina, E.Ya. Khruslov, N.D. Kopachevsky, V.A. Kovtunenko, V.V. Kozlov, G. Lieberman, M. Marcus, A.M. Meirmanov, T.A. Mel'nyk, A.M. Micheletti, V.M. Miklyukov, A. Novick-Cohen, E.Yu. Panov, A.L. Piatnitski, Y. Pinchover, A. Porretta, P. Pucci, J.-M. Rakotoson, A.G. Sergeev, I. Shafrir, A.L. Skubachevskii, A. Tesei, L. Véron, V. Vespri, Hong-Ming Yin, V.V. Zhikov.
V.P. Burskii, E.Ya. Khruslov, A.F. Konovalov, A.M. Kovalev, A.A. Kovalevsky (co-chairman), V.V. Kozlov, O.A. Rudakova (scientific secretary), A.M. Samoilenko, A.G. Sergeev, V.P. Shevchenko, A.E. Shishkov (co-chairman), I.I. Skrypnik, A.F. Tedeev.
English, Ukrainian and Russian are official languages of the conference. At the same time, if the oral presentation of a lecture or a talk is not in English, the Organizing Committee recommends strongly to accompany such a presentation with a visual one in English.
Abstracts of conference lectures and communications will be published by the beginning of the Conference. Deadline for submission of the abstracts is May 31, 2013. The participants are kindly asked to submit the abstracts (not exceeding 1 page) by e-mail sending both TeX and PDF files prepared in the format required (see Rules).
Accommodation of participants is planned in several three stars hotels situated not far from the conference location.
There are some of our suggestions for accommodation which you might want to consider for your stay in Donetsk:
Art-Hotel "Liverpool"
Business-Hotel "Central" http://www.hotel-central.com.ua/en/order/
Hotel "Eva" http://hotel-eva.com/booking
Participants are kindly requested to arrange their own accommodation by contacting the hotel directly.
If these hotels do not fit your needs, please use some generic booking service (like www.booking.com) to find a suitable hotel.
Institute of Applied Mathematics & Mechanics of NAS of Ukraine, R. Luxemburg St. 74, 83114, Donetsk, Ukraine
Phone: +38(062) 311-03-91
Fax: +38(062) 311-02-85
E-mail: npde2013@iamm.ac.donetsk.ua, npde2013@yahoo.com
S.N. Antontsev, V. Barbu, L. Boccardo, E.Ya. Khruslov, A.A. Kovalevsky, A.E. Shishkov, A.F. Tedeev, L. Véron, V.V Zhikov, E. Zuazua.
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\begin{center}{\bf TITLE OF ABSTRACT}
A.\,B. AUTHOR$^1$, \ \ C.\,D. AUTHOR$^2$
(CITY$^1$, COUNTRY$^2$, CITY$^2$, COUNTRY$^2$)
Text of your abstract.
\vskip 6 pt \noindent {\scriptsize INSTITUTE(UNIVERSITY OR ETC.),
\noindent {\scriptsize {\it E-mail address}: \texttt{your e-mail address}
Donetsk has regular railway and air communication with Kyiv. Moreover, the International Airport Donetsk has regular air communication with airports of some foreign cities. The schedule of flights one can find on the website http://www.airport.dn.ua/en/schedule/.
If you need a visa to come in Ukraine, we advise you to apply for this at a Ukrainian consular office in your country. Personal invitation letters for participants of the conference will be sent at their request. Such a letter may serve as a ground to obtain a visa.