Минобрнауки России Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution
«Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics» (IAMM)


Address: Russia DPR 283048, Donetsk, Voroshilovskiy district, Rosa Luxemburg Street, 74

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Rigid Body Mechanics (Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela)
Випуск №42 (2012)
  1. A.M. Kovalev
    Dynamics of autonomous systems in the presence of unstable variables
  2. I.N. Gashenenko
    The periodic motions of a rigid body in the Hess case
  3. G.V. Gorr
    About one approach to the application of Poinsot theorem of kinematic interpretation of the motion of a body with a fixed point
  4. I.N. Gashenenko, G.V. Mozalevskaya, D.N. Tkachenko
    On the Kharlamova–Mozalevskaya solution of the equations of motion of a gyrostat
  5. M.P. Kharlamov
    Analytical classification of the permanent rotations of the Kowalevski–Yehia gyrostat
  6. P.E. Ryabov, G.E. Smirnov, M.P. Kharlamov
    The atlas of the diagrams for the generalization of the 4th Appelrot class of especially remarkable motions to a gyrostat in a double force field
  7. O.S. Volkova
    On invariant relation of the motion equations of a heavy gyrostat when the center of inertia belongs to the principal plane
  8. A.V. Maznev
    Linear invariant relation for equations of motion of a gyrostat with variable gyrostatic moment in the magnetic field
  9. D.D. Leshchenko, A.L. Rachinskaya, Yu.S. Shchetinina
    Evolution of rotations of symmetric gyrostat in gravitational field and resistive medium
  10. E.V. Ocheretnyuk
    Terms of losing stability of stationary rotation rigid body suspended on a string of variable length
  11. B.I. Konosevich, Yu.B. Konosevich
    Attraction property of steady motions of a gimbal mounted asynchronous gyroscope
  12. N.O. Velmagina, V.G. Verbitskii
    Stability and bifurcation of stationary states of motion of model wheeled vehicle with steering wheel module
  13. V.E. Puzyrev, N.V. Savchenko
    The damping momentum’s influence on the stability of the non-symmetrical gyro’s permanent rotations
  14. A.A. Perkin, E.L. Per'eva, V.B. Smirnova, A.I. Shepelyavyi
    Frequency-algebraic estimates of a number of slipped cycles for multidimensional phase systems with differentiable nonlinearities
  15. A.E. Pozdnyakovih, V.E. Puzirev
    Stability of permanent rotations around the principal axis of the Lagrange’s gyroscope with dampers-balancers
  16. A.L. Zuyev, Yu.V. Novikova
    Optimal control of the Kirchhoff plate model
  17. V.R. Barseghyan
    Investigation of the problem of control of nonlinear dynamic systems using the method of piecewise linear approximation
  18. V.F. Shcherbak
    Invariant relations in identification problem of mechanical systems
  19. V.N. Nespirnyy
    Construction of functions with semidefinite derivative along trajectories of autonomous systems with arbitrary order of smoothness
  20. N.F. Gogoleva, Ya.V. Zinov'eva
    Equations of axoids for the problem of motion of two Lagrange gyros jointed by a nonholonomic hinge
  21. K.A. Ignatova
    On the solution of the equations of motion of spherical gyrostat in a magnetic field