Минобрнауки России Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution
«Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics» (IAMM)


Address: Russia DPR 283048, Donetsk, Voroshilovskiy district, Rosa Luxemburg Street, 74

Phone: +7 (856) 311-03-91
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Rigid Body Mechanics (Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela)
Випуск №30 (2000)
  1. P.V. Kharlamov
    The current state of the classical problems of the dynamics of a rigid body and prospects for their development
  2. A.M. Kovalev, A.Ya. Savchenko
    Rigid body dynamics: past, present, and future
  3. M.E. Lesina, L.V. Kudryashova
    On some directions in the investigations of the Donetsk school of the dynamics of a rigid body
  4. R.G. Mukharlyamov
    On equations of the kinematics and dynamics of constrained mechanical systems
  5. I.N. Gashenenko
    Invariant sets in the space of angular velocities of a heavy gyrostat
  6. A.M. Kovalev, V.V. Kirichenko
    Equations and integrals of motion of a Hess gyroscope in a neighborhood of uniform rotations
  7. G.V. Gorr, E.V. Sarkisʹyants, S.V. Skrypnik
    On the isoclinic motions of a body in the case of three linear invariant relations
  8. L.M. Kovaleva, A.E. Pozdnyakovich
    Uniform rotations about an inclined axis of a rigid body with one flywheel
  9. A.A. Savchenko
    A holonomic constraint that realizes motions, symmetric with respect to the plane, of two coupled rigid bodies
  10. B.I. Konosevich
    Investigation of the dynamics of the flight of an axisymmetric projectile
  11. T.A. Kushpilʹ, D.D. Leshchenko, I.A. Timoshenko
    Some problems of the evolution of rotations of a rigid body under the action of perturbing moments
  12. D.A. Sukhoruchkin
    On a string realization of the generalized Foucault pendulum
  13. S.N. Sudakov
    On forces leading to the development of planetary motions of a gyroscope suspended from the Cardan shaft of an engine
  14. P.E. Ryabov
    The phase topology of the Chaplygin problem of the motion of a rigid body in a liquid
  15. L.G. Lobas, V.G. Verbitskii, I.G. Boruk
    Bifurcations and catastrophes in dynamical systems with central symmetry
  16. A.O. Ignatʹev
    Stability with respect to some of the variables in functional-differential systems with delay
  17. V.A. Goncharenko, V.I. Goncharenko
    On the stabilization of an unstable potential system by gyroscopic forces
  18. N.N. Loseva, V.E. Puzyrev
    On the stability of the regular precession of a system of two Lagrange gyroscopes that form a semiclosed chain
  19. N.A. Nikolaeva
    Investigation of the stability of uniform rotations of a system of three heavy Lagrange gyroscopes that form a semiclosed chain
  20. N.N. Chinkulyak
    Stability of regular precession in the generalized problem of the motion of a rigid body with a fixed point
  21. A.A Ignat'ev
    Equi-asymptotic stability of a class of motions of a rigid body
  22. V.I. Koval'
    On the stability of uniform rotations of a coupling of two axisymmetric bodies containing fluid
  23. Yu.N. Kononov
    On the motion of a system of connected rigid bodies with cavities containing fluid
  24. Ya.A. Savchenko
    Stability of uniform rotations of a rigid body with a vortex superconducting filling
  25. I.A. Mukhametzyanov
    On the construction of a family of Lyapunov functions for generalized systems
  26. A.L. Zuev
    Application of a Lyapunov function with a derivative of negative sign in problems of partial stabilization
  27. V.F. Shcherbak
    Problems of the control of the rotation of a rigid body using inverse systems
  28. A.A. Ilyukhin, S.A. Stupko
    Approximate solution to the problem of equilibrium of the plate on an elastic rod in a flow of air
  29. M.P. Petrenko
    Oscillations of circular plates with concentrated masses attached to the elastic elements
  30. O.F. Boichuk, A.V. Kuzʹma
    The dynamic equilibrium of a gas bubble in a cylindrical cavity containing an incompressible fluid under vertical vibration
  31. P.V. Kharlamov
    Galileo—the founder of mechanics