Минобрнауки России Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution
«Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics» (IAMM)


Address: Russia DPR 283048, Donetsk, Voroshilovskiy district, Rosa Luxemburg Street, 74

Phone: +7 (856) 311-03-91
Fax: +7 (856) 311-01-75


Rigid Body Mechanics (Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela)
  1. G.V. Gorr
    On a class of asymptotic solutions of equations of rigid body dynamics
  2. A.V. Maznev, T.V. Belokon
    On solutions of Grioli’s equations in the case of constant modulus of the angular momentum of a body with a fixed point
  3. G.V. Gorr, G.A. Kotov
    Precession motions of the rigid body in the potential force field
  4. A.V. Zyza
    On a new case of integrability in the problem of solid body motion in magnetic field
  5. B.I. Konosevich, Yu.B. Konosevich
    Stability of steady solutions of equations of a multi-current model of a gimbals mounted synchronous gyroscope
  6. V.N. Nespirnyy
    Mutual synchronization of two Lorenz systems in the class of impulsive controls
  7. A.M. Kovalev, S.N. Sudakov
    To the problems of dynamics of ballistic rockets for long-range action
  8. N.N. Shchepin
    Analysis of equilibrium of a closed system of rigid bodies subject to extension
  9. V.E. Bolnokin, V.G. Vyskub, V.N. Dianov, V.I. Storozhev
    Control of opto-mechanical scanners with elastic links
  10. E.I. Mitrushkin, S.A. Priymenko, S.V. Storozhev
    Fuzzy identification of mechanical characteristics of thin isotropic plates based on resonance wave methodology
  11. V.E. Bolnokin, E.I. Mitrushkin, Duong Minh Hai, S.V. Storozhev
    Fuzzy model of interaction of hydroacoustic waves with flat viscoelastic transversal-isotropic screen
  12. H.M. Yehia
    Goriachev's solution in the dynamics of a rigid body about a fixed point
  13. Вниманию авторов сборника “Механика твердого тела”