Минобрнауки России Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution
«Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics» (IAMM)


Address: Russia DPR 283048, Donetsk, Voroshilovskiy district, Rosa Luxemburg Street, 74

Phone: +7 (856) 311-03-91
Fax: +7 (856) 311-01-75


Rigid Body Mechanics (Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela)
  1. G.V. Gorr, A.M. Kovalev
    The interpretation methods for the motions of the rigid body with the fixed point
  2. D.A. Daniljuk, A.M. Kovalev
    Properties of the Rodrigues–Hamilton parameters of partial solutions of equations of a heavy rigid body dynamics
  3. G.V. Gorr, A.V. Maznev
    Integration of the rigid body dynamics on the invariant manifold
  4. G.A. Kotov
    On the semi-regular precession motions of gyrostat carrying two rotors
  5. G.V. Gorr, Yu.V. Koshel
    One class of precessionally isoconical motions of a gyrostat carrying two rotors
  6. A.V. Zyza, D.N. Tkachenko
    Polynominal solutions of gyrostat in the problem of gyrostat motion in magnetic field
  7. A.M. Kovalev, V.N. Nespirnyy
    Synchronization of dynamical systems in class of impulsive controls
  8. B.I. Konosevich, Yu.B. Konosevich
    Sufficient condition for global stability of the model of the synchronous electric motor
  9. A.I. Andruckin, S.N. Sudakov
    The dynamics of liquid ellipsoid with the mass-geometrical parameters of black hole
  10. N.N. Shchepin
    Stability of equilibrium of a closed system of rigid bodies in “rose” configuration
  11. Vit.V. Volchkov, S.V. Storozhev
    Fuzzy evaluation for the velocities of surface waves of Rayleigh type in an elastic half-space
  12. Vit.V. Volchkov, D.S. Vukolov, V.I. Storozhev
    Diffraction of shear waves on internal tunnel cylindrical inhomogeneities in the form of a cavity and inclusion in the elastic layer with free face
  13. I.A. Moiseyenko
    The spectra of non-axisymmetric normal elastic waves in functionally graded transversely isotropic hollow cylinders
  14. Мария Ефимовна Лесина (к 70-летию со дня рождения)